Missing Since:
Missing From:
Moorefield/Stockville, Nebraska
Age at disappearance:
35 years old
Height & Weight:
5’8, 140 pounds
Clothing/Jewelry Description:
Left ear pierced, One boot is “built up” as one leg is shorter than the other
Associated Vehicle:
Tan 1980 Chevrolet, 4 door, License plate 60A89
Distinguishing Characteristics:
Scar on his back, Brown curly hair, Brown Eyes.
Agency Name & Phone Number:
Frontier County Sheriff Office 308-367-4411
The Nebraska Missing Persons Clearinghouse 1-877-441-5678
Tony was last seen leaving his parents’ house in Moorefield to go to Stockville to renew his driver’s license. According to the DMV employees, he did not arrive. He was driving a vehicle that belonged to his parents. He also took his dog, Butch, and fishing poles and tackle.