Missing Since:
Missing From:
Grand Island, Nebraska
Age at disappearance:
69 years old
Height & Weight:
5’6, 190 pounds
Clothing/Jewelry Description:
Frederick was known to carry a black billfold with a gold ornament in one corner. May have been wearing a silver digital watch.
Medical Conditions:
Had a pacemaker
Distinguishing Characteristics:
Brown Hair, Green Eyes, Scar on chest
Agency Name & Phone Number:
Hall County Sheriff Office: 308-385-5200
The Nebraska Missing Persons Clearinghouse 1-877-441-5678
Frederick was working in a city landfill when his coworkers realized they hadn’t seen him in a while. His vehicle and belongings were still there. It is suspected that Frederick was accidentally buried in the landfill. Extensive searches were done but Frederick was not found.